Thursday, April 10, 2014

ABS Constructed Response

Absolute Value Constructed Response

Read problem below and answer one of the questions below in the comment section of this post. ( 5 pts. )

Edgar, Deanna, Dennis, and Jean all live on the same street as their school.  The street runs from east to west.

·      Edgar lives 9 blocks to the west of the school.
·      Deanna lives 4 blocks to the east of the school.
·      Dennis lives 7 blocks to the west of the school
·      Jean lives 6 blocks to the east of the school.

Use this information complete the following:

1.     Represent the relative position of the houses on a number line with the school at 3.  Negative numbers represents points to the west, and positive numbers represent points to the east

2.     How far does Edgar live from Deanna?   Show how you arrived at your answers using sums or differences.

3.     Jean says she lives 2 blocks from Deanna? Is she correct?  Explain your reasoning using the number line or sums and differences to explain your answer.

4.     If Kevin and Edgar lives equal distances from the school but at opposite ends what number would represent Kevin’s. Show how you arrived at your answers using sums or differences.

1 comment:

  1. 3. Jean says she lives 2 blocks from Deanna? Is she correct? Explain your reasoning using the number line or sums and differences to explain your answer.
    Yes Jean is correct is correct. I say this because they both live on the east direction of their school but Deanna lives 4 blocks away and Jean lives 6 blocks away and 6-4 is equal to 2. So yes Jean is correct that she lives 2 blocks away from Deanna.
    - Aisha Munshi
